About Cajueiro Claro

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Carnaval Camp 2016 Report

This year, from February 6-10, many of the different churches made sure to have a camp, get-away, or some kind of positive purpose for Carnaval week. Cajueiro Claro had church camp at one of the near-by beaches. Throughout the time, 17 children and adults had a wonderful time filled with rest, fellowship, worship, and God's Word. 

The highlight, as most years, is the last evening, when they set up a time of prayer and worship right on the beach as they watch the moon rise over the water. Thank you to those who made sure that the children from Living Stones had the opportunity to earn a scholarship to come to camp!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Summer VBS

It is hot out there! After Christmas is the kid's summer break in Brazil, so what better to do than to have Vacation Bible School!
With kids from Belem and Mussurepe joining in the fun, and workers from the Friends church in Carpina, the Living Stones kids had a great time.
Pastor Flavio spent his birthday sharing Jesus with these precious kids and future leaders. 
Sara headed up the older kids
And the younger kids love teacher Mercia! 
Next up, Carnaval Church camp--giving these kids a safe and life changing alternative to being at-risk:Carnaval Camp